Date(s) - 02/05/2017 - 24/05/2017
All Day
Kahyangan Jagat Luhur Natar Sari Apuan
Bali is known as an island with a thousand temples. It is not hard to find a temple ceremony everywhere at anytime. In general, the ceremonies is called odalan which is occur in 210 days. Some odalan are short, lasting from 1 to 3 days only, while others can last for up to a month.
This time there is a temple festival at Natar Sari�Temple in Baturiti, Tabanan, about 1 hour 30�minutes by car / motor bike from Ubud. The ceremony called Pamelaspasan,�Penangiang,�Melasti,�Nuwur,�Puncak Pujawali, Nyineb.
From preparation to the end, this ceremony lasts for about 23�days. It had been starting since May 2th. 2017 and will be finish on May 24th.2017.� Even though most days during ceremony season people will just do small activities in the temple, however there are some highlight days which must be interesting for you to visit. Ask your local guide / driver and don’t forget to wear traditional Balinese clothing, at least sarong with sash.
Here is some of highlight days you may interest to visit :
May 2nd. 2017 �: Nanceb Tetangunan Yadnya lan Pengalang Sasih.
May 7th. 2017 �:�Ngemargiang Uleman / Pejati Tapakan Ratu Gede Sakti.
May 8th. 2017��:�Ngentegang Manik Galih.
May 10th. 2017 �:�Pamelaspasan Tetangunan Yadnya.
May 15th. 2017� / 6�pm – onward�:�Penangiang Sesuhunan Batara Ratu Sakti Nawa Sanga.
May 16th. 2017 �:�Ida Batara Sakti Nawa Sanga Kairing Budal ke Jogan Ida Batara ring Pura Luhur Pucak Padang Dawa.
May 17th. 2017 �:�Ida Batara Sakti Nawa Sanga Kairing�Melasti Masucian �ke Segara Batubolong, Canggu, Badung , Kasarengin Tapakan Ratu Gede.
May 19th. 2017 �: Nuwur Batara Tirta Ring Uger-Uger Pura Sejebag Bali.
May 20nd. 2017 �:�Puncak Pujawali.
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �10 am -�onward : Pacaruan
4 pm -�onward : Masucin Ida Batara Sakti Nawa Sanga ke Beji
11 pm�-�onward�: Katuran Panyejeng Buana
�1 am�-�onward�: Ngendang Kalangan Wali Sesolahan
May 24th. 2017 / 3�am�-�onward�: Ida Batara Sakti Nawa Sanga Katuran Masineb