Bali’s Policies for Handling and Preventing Covid-19

Since the Covid-19 outbreak appears, the governor of Bali Wayan Koster had issued some policies and various efforts to prevent the spreading of Covid-19. Here are policies of Bali government:

Keputusan Gubernur Bali No 236/03-B-HK/2020: Covid-19 task force was formed.

Surat Pernyataan No 360/3054/SET/BPBD (released on March 16th. 2020): Governor releases policy and declare Bali status: Stand By Covid-19

Keputusan Gubernur No 258/04-G/HK/2020, Bali status: Siaga Covid-19

Surat Edaran (Circular Letter) No 7194 Tahun 2020, dated March 16th. 2020. Circular letter regulates particular things such as (1) students from elementary to the college stay home, teaching and learning activities for students carried out online. (2) state administration is carried out from home. (3) Postpone tour of duty to other cities except for urgent matters. (4) Limit all activities include entertainment with the crowd.

Keputusan Gubernur Bali Nomor 259.03/B/HK/2020 (March. 16th 2020) about referral hospital for Covid-19 in Bali for PCR (Polymeris Chain Reaction) Lab unconfirmed patient of PDP/Under surveillance patient. The referral hospital is RSUD (regional public hospital) Wangaya Denpasar, RSUD Bali Mandara, RSD (region hospital) Mangusada Badung, RSU Negara, RSUD Klungkung, RS Pratama Giri Emas Buleleng. These 7 referral hospital is additional of 4 referral hospital which has been appointed by the central government: RSUP Sanglah, RSUD Tabanan, RSUD Sanjiwani Gianyar, and RSUD Buleleng so Bali has 11 referral house to handle Covid-19 patients.

Surat Edaran (Circular Letter) Nomor 730/8080/Sekret, dated on March 20th. 2020 about a request to the regents/major in Bali to close tourist destinations, either it belongs/under the management of regional government and/or belongs to private, the community and custom village.

Surat Edaran Nomor 730/8125/Sekret, dated March 20th. 2020 about Limitation of any activities with crowd include Tajen (cockfighting).

Instruksi Gubernur (Governor Instruction) Nomor 267/01-B/HK/2020 dated March 20th. 2020) about the implementation of Nyepi holiday rituals. This instruction is to determine the restriction or limitation of people who will run the ritual ceremony.

Surat Himbauan Gubernur Bali Nomor 45/Satgascovid19/III/2020 dated on March 23rd. 2020 about an appeal to the people of Bali to stay home. And release policy to open all road blocked in Bali.

On March 27th. 2020 Governor releases policy for the people in Bali: not to gather, diminish the interaction, no mass gathering, social distancing, diminishing outdoor activities, work from home, study at home and do religious activities at home. No custom and religious activities that invite lots of people.

Bali at the moment has seriously and focus on attempting to prevent Covid-19 spreading in order to recover Bali condition. Accordingly, people are appealed to diminish or postpone traveling to go out or to come to Bali, except for an urgent and emergency or foreigner who wants to back home to their country. Even so, this appeal is not for logistic transport, health care needs, security needs, official government duties. Therefore all entering gates to the Bali island (airport, port, and harbor) authorities are requested to controlling more for the border according to entrance protocol and health protocol of Covid-19.

Surat Gubernur Bali (Letter of Bali Governor) Nomor 800/3521/Diskes to the Udayana University Rector dated on March 27th. 2020 about the government policy�to appoint RS (hospital) PTN Unud as a specific isolation hospital for Covid-19. Effectively valid on April 7th. 2020

In conjunction with customary village assembly releases Decision Letter Keputusan Bersama Gubernur Bali dan Majelis Desa Adat Provinsi Bali Nomor 472/1571/PPDA/DPMA, Nomor 05/SK/MDA-Prov Bali/III/2020 about forming mutual assistance taskforce Covid-19 preventing based on customary villages in Bali dated March 28th. 2020

Prevention effort and handling Covid-19 had been doing. Coordination with the central government (Head of BNPB/National Disaster Management Authority), to get APD/personal protection equipment 4000 units on April 23rd. 2020. The APD had distributed to all referral hospitals.

The Governor with the Ministry of Health strives to get permission for Sanglah hospital to be allowed as a place for lab tests for Covid-19 patient (approved). Bali government provides equipment and train medical staff so the Sanglah hospital capable to run independent lab test. It has started on March 26th. 2020 so Covid-19 patient doesn’t have to do test lab to Litbang / research and development of Health Ministry and environmental health technology office at Surabaya, East Java.

Make coordination with the central government (Head of BNPB/National Disaster Management Authority), to get the aid of 4000 units of the rapid test kit.� 3800 units are already approved on March 27th. 2020 and distributed to referral hospitals. The medical staff is prioritized to gets tests first.

Preparing quarantine place for Bali residents who comes back from working abroad (cruise ship, spa, hotel, restaurant, etc.) with a capacity of 1.012 beds. Located at Balai Pelatihan Kesehatan Masyarakat, BadanPelatihan SDM Provinsi Bali, Wisma Bima Ministry of Public Works, Politeknik Transportasi Darat Ministry of Transportation (alternative). These quarantine places have facilities air-condition room, drink and food will be served during the quarantine.

In preventing Covid-19 Bali provides medical staff and security officer. Koster also sent a letter to the Transportation Ministry to�tighten the supervision of harbor to Bali island, Ketapang Port, Gilimanuk, Padangbai, Benoa, and West Lombok.

Sources: Compilation from some sources: Government official sites/social media, BaliPost, Nusa Bali, etc. Image: Wikipedia





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