Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo instructs the government of Solo city to release the regulation of prohibition on consuming dog meat. The dog is not livestock so it is not for consumption. Actually it is regulated in Regulation No 18 / 2012 about Food. Chapter 1 said that the dog is not for consumption as it is not a product from livestock, forestry, and other food sources.
Surakarta city is placed as the highest of dog consumption, followed by other cities such as Salatiga, Sukoharjo, Sragen, and Semarang. “We must encourage the Solo City Government to make strict rules, the house of representatives makes a regulation to prohibit people to eat and sell dog meat,” Ganjar said as quoted from Tempo, one of the big media in Indonesia.
This statement issued by the Governor of Central Java was responding in the meeting with the Dog Meat Free Indonesia. There are 13.700 dogs is killed for meat every month in Solo, Central Java. Those poor dogs come from West Java, which is not a rabies free area.� �Karin Franken, coordinator of DMFI said, Central Java gets a rabies-free status since 1995 but it is feared to change since dog consumption is very high and all of them supplied from other area which is not a rabies-free region.
Karin asks the government of Central Java to take quick action to stop dog consumption. Contagious spread not just because of consumption but it also can be spread through the vehicle fro transporting the dog. That’s why we ask the government to do a quick action to stop dog consumption.” she added.