- Tabanan regency develops thematically farming in 5 villages based on the plantations that grow in�the area. Coconut tree grows mostly in Wanagiri village, Belimbing village famous for nira (palm tree to make traditional palm sugar). Sesandan village develops 4 inds of farm: coconut, salak (snake fruit), nira (palm tree) and coffee. Lumbung village famous for its Lea coffee and snake fruit and Lumbung Kauh village for coconut farming, and produce soap made from coconut. �I Made Yasa, Head of Tabanan tourism office as quoted by Bali Post, states that these 5 villages will be developed as the tourist village.
- Indonesia is preparing a regulation to avoid massive convertion of productive rice field.�”We need the regulation as lots of rice field convert to housing or industrial area especially in Java. There are about 200.000 ha of productive rice field converted to non-productive or commercial area every year” Sofyan Jalil, Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency. #Antara
Additional info:�in Bali some village has local regulation about this policy but in certain areas only and not include Ubud which is (was) famous for its rice field area. 🙁 - 270.000 Indian tourist visit Bali in 2017 and keep increasing. This statistic makes India�become no 3 of the countries that visit Bali most. #BaliPost.
- Barong (arts, dance) is registered and admitted as World Culture Heritage by UNESCO. �#TribunBali.