Royal Cremation at Blahbatuh Palace

Puri (palace) Blahbatuh, about 15 km from Ubud center, is preparing for plebon ceremony (the royal cremation) of Ida I Gusti Ngurah Djelantik XXIV. Bade Padma Negara as tall as 24 meter high will be ready on December 18th. 2018 when 3000 member of the community from Blahbatuh customary village carry on to the cemetery as tribute to their royal family.

Bade will pass the street along 1 km from jaba puri Ageng Blahbatuh to the cemetery. AA Ngurah Kakarsana, the son of Ida I Gusti Ngurah Djelantik XXIV share a little story about her father. Since 1970 till 2000, his father is known as an orchid (flower) lover. “Ajung (an honor callings to the father) often participated in international orchid competition and he won the second place in international orchid competition. He was really loves plants”. In the palace area, the late Gusti Ngurah Djelantik plants some local fruits and rare tree such as kepundung, ceroring, boni, manggis, jambu, silik, belimbing, melinjo and cermai as well. “All the fruits tree he was planted is growing well. It become inheritance for us”, AA Kakarsana added. “We will revive the orchid, where it was once a mascot of this palace. “Ajung was a healthy man, as far as I know, he was very rare ill. He passed away on his 74 years old in Sanjiwani Hospital in Gianyar. He probably ill because he lost my mother (his wife) which was passed away three months ago”, AA Kakarsana explained as quoted from NusaBali.

I Gusti Ngurah Djelantik passed away on Thursday, September 15th. 2018. He left 1 daughter, AA Ayu Prawaniti, and 4 son: I Gusti Ngurah Jelantik, AA Ngurah Kakarsana, AA Ngurah Teja Kusuma and AA Ngurah Putra Narayana. The first son� I Gusti Ngurah Jelantik said that his father was diabetics and since his wife AA Ayu Mirah passed away, his health condition declined.� After getting treatment in the hospital, his body brought to the Puri Ageng Blahbatuh. Even though was born in the royal family Puri Ageng Blahbatuh, the late I Gusti Ngurah Djelantik XXIV was a humble person. He get along close to the community.

The late I Gusti Ngurah Djelantik XXIV was active in Forum Kerajaan and Kesultanan Nusantara (Kingdom and Sultanate of Nusantara Forum). He had closed relationship not just with some of the king of Nusantara, Indonesia however he also had good relationship with the kings in Malaysia, Thailand and Philippine.

Here is the video cremation ceremony of the King of Blahbatuh Empress 3 months ago:



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