Indonesia Imposes Entry Restrictions

Indonesia imposes a ban on visiting or transit for foreigners in order to prevent Covid-19 spreading.�”This regulation applies from 2 April 2020 at 00.00 WIB,” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Teuku Faizasyah said to the reporters via video conference on Wednesday (1/4/2020) as quoted by Liputan 6. The regulation is stated in Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 11 of 2020 about Temporary Prohibition for Foreigners Entering the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia dated March 31st. 2020.

The prohibition applies to all foreigners except for (1) Temporary and/or permanent stay permit holders. (2) Diplomatic Visa or Service visa holders. (3) Indonesian Diplomatic stay Permit or�Service Stay permits. (4) Medical, food and humanitarian aid support workers. (5) The crew of means of transport. (6) Foreigners whose travel is associated with essential work for the national strategic projects such as infrastructure or constructions. However, they must fulfill the requirements before entering Indonesian territory, which is a health certificate in English issued by the health authorities of each country, has been 14 days in a region or country free of Covid-19, and a statement of willingness to be quarantined for 14 days carried out by the Indonesian government.

Meanwhile, in Bali at the Ngurah Rai Airport, there are only 9 international aircraft flights yesterday (1/4/2020) compare with 210 per day on “normal” situation. From 9 aircrafts 5 are arrival flight and 4 are departures to some countries. Arrival flights are from Doha, Madrid, South Korea, Osaka, and Amsterdam, says Arie Ahsanurrohim, Communication, and Legal Manager of Angkasa Pura (airport manager company) as quoted from Nusa Bali.

Besides international flights, the domestic flights also decrease. On April 1st, there are only 90 flights of daily average 220 flights. Decreasing of flight is because of Covid-19 all over the world in the past few months. There are some flights even though it decreases drastically that’s why the airport still opens, Arie added.

About the airport operational after the restriction for the foreigner to enter Indonesia, Arie said, AP (Angkasa Pura/Airport Operational Company) that the airport opens as usual. The restriction is for the passenger (foreigner) not the flight.

Denpasar government also forbids cruise ship to lean back at Benoa harbor. Head of Denpasar PR and Protocol Division I Dewa Gede Rai said on Wednesday (1/4/2020) and quoted by Nusa Bali, the Denpasar government improves harbor surveillance to enter Bali Province, especially Denpasar as mentioned in Surat Dishub Kota Denpasar Nomor 551/605/Dishub, dated March 30th. 2020, signed by Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra.

Dewa Gede explains there are 3 points in the letter. (1) Denpasar city forbids all cruise ship to lean back and drop passengers who want to go to Denpasar without Denpasar ID, strict selection for passengers and cargo in Benoa Harbor. (2) For the Head of BPTD/Balai Pengelola Transportasi Darat or Land Transport Administrator Bali Region XII Bali and West Nusa Tenggara Province, to forbid passengers who want to go to Denpasar without Denpasar ID either from Ketapang – Gilimanuk port and Lembar – Padangbai port. (3) Limits operational hours and reduces the frequency of crossing. And actively making sure that people or cargo who enter Denpasar is free of Covid-19.





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